Two years ago I told you that Benjamin Voisin will lead Apple TV's new French historical original series CAREME on the famous 19th century chef turned spy and now we have the first images for the show that will launch
April 30th. Set in the 19th century, the eight episode series, directed by Martin Bourboulon who helmed The Three Musketeers, will follow the
sprawling story of Antonin Carême, who rose from humble beginnings in Paris to the height of culinary stardom in Napoleon's Europe. He not only became
an iconic chef, he also became a spy for France as his talent and ambitions attracted the attention of powerful politicians, including Napoleon. The series
will shed light on the miserable reality of 19th century kitchens, contrasting with the opulence of the mansions and sophisticated of aristocrats. Jérémie
Renier will play Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, a Machiavellian diplomat who was minister of foreign affairs in the government of Napoleon
Bonaparte; and Lyna Khoudri will appear as Henriette, Carême's lover and most dangerous threat. The series is inspired by Ian Kelly book "Cooking for Kings: The Life of Antonin Carême – The First Celebrity Chef"!

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